Regional Arts Venues Support

Funding to support the expansion of annual programs delivered by arts venues in regional Western Australia over a 3-year period.

DLGSC DPIRD landscape logo

The primary objective of the Regional Arts Venues Support program is to support the development of regional arts venues by enhancing their reach and engagement. 

Supporting objectives:

  • Raise the quality, scale and profile of the arts in regional Western Australia
  • Boost employment and tourism opportunities in regional Western Australia  
  • Enable regional arts venues to better leverage investment and generate income
  • Increase opportunities for regional communities to participate in arts and cultural activities and contribute to the liveability and vibrancy of regional communities.

Funding categories

Public Art Galleries

Funding to support expanded programming by public visual art galleries in regional Western Australia.

Performing Arts Venues

Funding to support expanded programming by performing arts venues in regional Western Australia.

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning after Notification Category
December 2023 9:00am 19 December 2023 4:00pm 15 February 2024 4:00pm 29 February 2024 1 July 2024 Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date
  • Performing Arts Venues
  • Public Art Galleries

Funding overview

Funding closed

Who can apply

Amount available

  • Public Art Galleries: Up to $70,000 per annum over 3 years
  • Performing Arts Venues: Up to $70,000 per annum over 3 years


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Regional Arts Venues Support Guidelines

Successful applications


Page reviewed 09 September 2024