Freedom of information

The department makes documents available for public access in line with the Freedom of Information Act 1992.


The Freedom of Information Act 1992 gives the public a right to access documents held by State and local government agencies, including the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, subject to some limitations.

Members of the public can also apply to have personal information about themselves contained in government documents amended, if the information is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading.

What you can request

You can request access to any documents held by the department that are not already publicly available for inspection or purchase.

An application does not need to be limited to request paper documents and can include audio and video recordings, maps, plans, photographs and electronic records such as emails.

How to apply

You can request access to documents by completing the department’s FOI application form.

When you submit your application, you must provide as much information as possible and clearly describe the documents you would like to access, including any additional information relevant to your request, such as information relating to a specific incident, subject matter and date ranges.

If you are applying for access to documents containing personal information that is just about you, your application must be accompanied by a copy of a primary identification document, such as a driver’s licence or passport.

If you are requesting access to information that is not just about you, such as information that relates to the department’s functions and services or personal information about other people, please indicate that you are requesting access to non-personal information in your application.

What you can expect

When the department receives your application and payment of the relevant fee and charges, we will process your application as soon as possible but within 45 calendar days. However, if your application requests access to a significant number of documents or requires consultation with a large number of third parties an extension of time may be necessary.

After the department processes your application, we will issue you with a notice of decision. The notice will explain our decision in relation to your application and, if we have decided to refuse access to documents in part or in full, why this information cannot be released.

The department may refuse access to certain types of information, including information that would reveal personal information about other people or information that would reveal details about a person’s commercial or business affairs or information.   

If you disagree with a decision made by the department, you can seek a review of that decision under the Freedom of Information Act 1992. The department will provide you with details on how to lodge an application for review in its notice of decision.

How much will it cost

There is no fee for requesting access to documents containing personal information about you.

If your application requests access to non-personal information, that is, a document that contains personal information about a third party (other than you), or documents relating to the department’s functions and services, you are required to pay a $30 application fee. Payment is required at the time of lodging the application.

Payment options

We accept direct bank transfer using the details below:

Name: Department of Local Government Sport & Cultural Industries
FOI and your surname

Unfortunately, we don’t accept cash payments. Alternatively, the fee can be paid via money order or cheque made payable to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. 

Additional charges

In some circumstances you may be required to pay additional charges to cover the costs associated with processing your application. These charges will be for administrative tasks such as photocopying, collation of documents, editing, postage etc. If charges are applicable you will be notified and provided with an estimate.

Further information

If you need assistance to lodge an application with the department you can contact the FOI Coordinator by telephone on 61 8 9492 9989 or by email

For more information about the Freedom of Information Act 1992 visit the Office of the Information Commissioner (WA) website.

Related information

Freedom of information application form

Under sections 12 and 46 the Freedom of Information Act 1992.

*required fields

Applicant details

Details of request

I am applying for*
Proof of identity

This field is required

If you are applying for access to documents containing your personal information, your application must be accompanied by a copy of a primary identification document, such as a driver’s licence or passport. If you are applying for access to documents on behalf of someone else, please provide written authorisation from that person that you are acting as their representative in respect of the application.

Describe the document/s you are requesting access to (include any information that will assist the department to identify the documents, including subject matter and date ranges) or the personal information you would like to have amended.

Type of access required*


I will pay the $30 application fee by:

The $30 application fee and any other relevant charges can be paid by bank transfer, cash or cheque. Cheques should be made payable to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

Please indicate the preferred method of payment in your application.

If you need assistance to lodge this application with the department you can contact the FOI Coordinator by telephone 61 8 9492 9989 or by email

Page reviewed 09 September 2024